Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's What You Know That Aint So

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
Mark Twain.

This sums up my problems in Dvorak.  I have noticed some mistakes that I am making almost systematically

I hit "e" instead of "o" (actually, I make a bizarre "n," then "e," then "o" sequence)
         "f" instead of "y" (this one is because of the location of the key in qwerty )
When going fast, I type "." instead of "e" -- also because of where it is in qwerty.

The key now is not learning, but unlearning.  Typing in exclusively in Dvorak gives me a purpose to learn -- each of these mistakes cost me time.  So often while typing I will repeat a mnemonic a few times after I make a mistake.  For example, my mnemonic for "o" is that it is a ring on my ring finger.  In this manner I hope to rewrite the habit more quickly than bumbling around.