Get body fat below 12%
Do 100 push-ups in one go
Be able to read smoothly in Spanish
Be able to read smoothly in Esperanto
Be able to read smoothly in a third language.
Make 1 stream of passive income that pays my side of bills (post house pay-off)
Make 2nd stream of passive income that pays my side of bills (post house pay-off)
Make active stream of income that pays my side of bills in 8 hours weekly work
Help 100,000 people manage time better
Help 100,000 people to learn techniques to live sustainably
Have 10,000 people use software I've written
Make a mobile ap (can help me achieve the previous goal)
Build a robot that does productive work (can include custom automation projects, like a self monitoring green house)
Learn how to (or have robot that) sharpens knifes/tools to professional level
Build a windmill
Build an aquaponics system
Become self-employed
Start a corporation (profit or non-profit)