Sunday, August 23, 2015

Improvised Workout . . . Again

Sometimes you just have to improvise.

My dad passed on Friday, so I have stayed the last two nights at my moms. 

I had planned on lifting on Friday, but it was certainly a case of life getting in the way.  Yesterday was a blur, with people coming to visit mom's house a time for depressed torpors.

Today, I decided to get some exercise.  First, I did some body weight stuff at my mom's -- push ups, glut raises, etc.  I find the hardest muscle to work this way to be my biceps.  Today I lifted first a basket with some potatoes, trying to use a slow cadence, but found that to not be quite enough, so I used my dad's air machine (sorry if that seems morbid).

Later in the day I went on to the Sutton Trails, planning on a lovely nature stroll.  Instead, when I followed a new side trail, I found a  new, lovely spot that opens up to the pond.  I also found a nearby tree branch that I know could work as a pull up bar.  I used it for hanging leg raises.  And I was just pleased to know that I never have to go to a gym, or even use my free weights, if I don't want to. 

The philosophy of this workout was based on a blog post on the site Critical MAS.  Like he reported, this workout kicked my butt, but I felt less guilty about all the over eating I continued to do today because, hey, you've got to feed the machine.

All of this really helped to clear my head.  Tomorrow is going to be a rough day since the body will be shown to family.  I needed today for sanity.