Sunday, June 7, 2015

Procrastination Chronicles #12 : Improvised Workout

On the path to greatness, there will be 100 overcomings.

I will chronicle my attempts to overcome procrastination.  My technique is to start small, really small.

My favorite post in the series is #3 Dealing with a Bunch of Crap.


My diet and workouts have been stacked together thus:  5 days a week I do light exercise (walking or garden-work) and eat 1,200 calories (no breakfast, a very light lunch, and then a pretty substantial snack-and-dinner block), on the 6th day I do my weight training and then eat like crazy for two days.

Well, that's the plan, at least.  Yesterday I was eating a bunch before I worked out, which went against my protocol, then, when I thought was going to be able to work out stuff came up . . .  and kept coming up.

Then it became Sunday, which means it was time for family, starting with visiting my grandmother, and with that meant more offers of food.  What to do?

I am proud of my solution:  I improvised a workout.  I snuck away and did a set of push-ups.  Then I came and chatted a bit while watching tennis (the French Open final).  After a bit, I snuck away again and tried to work my arms by lifting the bed in the guest room, but noticed that in the stance I needed to be in my legs got the bulk of the workout, so I switched to a chair, but the necessary grip worked my abs.  Finally, I found a chair that I was able to lift using a row motion and thus got some decent reps for my biceps.  I wasn't able to figure anything (which after all wasn't mine to mess with) that I could use for a kettle bell swing motion, but other than that, it was a pretty good workout.  While grandma made lunch, I also did some air squats, bringing back memories of when I did them for an earlier fitness challenge.

The workout might not have been perfect, but at least it got done, which is one of the most powerful anti-procrastination tactics.  And maybe the workout helped work things in a new, helpful way.

I'm going to do some kettlebell swings now.