Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Update -- December 2015

Merry Winter Solstice!.


I am going back through my journals and creating an index so far for them.  This has also led me to see some patterns and connections which I had not noticed before.  I now believe that journals are the best catalyst I can think of for adding -- or really pulling up -- meaning in life.

A word on my journals.  I keep three paper journals, all three in the same style of cheap composition book.  One journal is at home, one is at work, and one is in my back-pack for when I travel or go on walks.  The travel journal is the most widely used, but the other two have gems of their own.

I am deliberately forcing myself to hold off on writing (or at the very least publishing) until I reach my summer vacation.  I want to incubate my ideas and, besides from these updates, only deliver the best, truest pieces of writing that I can produce.


My project for the break was porting over the historical dates I had in Memrise over to Anki.  I just like Anki much, much better.  I have dropped the game of Diplomacy and have made my morning mental wake up routine consist of doing my spaced repetition work with Anki.


Still greasing the groove with modified push-ups.

On the days I am healing up from that, I still hang from my pull up bar to work on grip strength, and others I work on single leg squats -- not pistols, but single leg squats with my off leg tucked back.

Lastly, I am trying to replace the push that coffee gives me (or so I think) with 50 reps of cardio, like jumping jacks or side-to-side jumps.  I had read about it before, and am now trying it out.  In the long run I want to be off caffeine entirely.  For now, I will drink some in the mornings to avoid headaches.