Sunday, February 28, 2016

Update -- February 2016


On February 12th, I cut a check to pay off the mortgage, a great birthday present to myself.  I am completely free of financial debts.


My focus is on habits.  I have four habits I am trying to form.

First, is the affirmation I mentioned last month.

Second, I am attempting to be mindful of my food cravings.  What I mean is expressed in this charming Ted-x video:

I am trying to think to myself "I am noticing that I am craving X," and to also to do the same with justifications I come up with.

I buy the reasoning behind the results of this practitioner.  In general, and about most things, to paraphrase Ellen Langer most of us are not awake, and we are not awake enough to even know we are not awake.   I think there is much to the saying "mindless eating." And when we don't even know we have cravings we certainly cannot beat them. Willpower does not work; some kind of deeper awareness is needed.

Third, I try to eat a tremendous amount of fiber for lunch.  I go for a large salad and then some other fiber, such as bell peppers, lentil soup, or the like.  This helps keep hunger in line.  As does, my forth habit . . .

Fourth, I am trying to drink "a lot" of water.  I have switched my coffee cup into a water cup, and I compulsively drink water throughout the day.


I got back into listening to On Being Podcasts.  It has been wonderful while I have worked my way from buried after 5 straight weeks of 80-hour-plus weeks caused by debate to now . . . ah, all clear

Before enjoying On Being in this way I had to get past that overwhelmed feeling a bit and use tricks (like this and even this) to get the ball rolling, but as those sticky overly-procrastinated items got done and I was feeling state of zen and flow in my work, adding in On Being Podcasts have been a great addition to a very enjoyable work time.  I am enjoying the 2012 Vintage.

Also regarding spirit, I have taken to walks during what is technically my work day.  My "planning" period blends into my lunch, so I have taken to going to parks on days too lovely to be at school all day.  I get in a little thinking, and just being in beautiful places.

From these moments of pure presence I can feel how close the spring is.

On my birthday -- the 12th -- I planted my potatoes.  This has become one of the rituals of my home, and it becomes my personal beginning of the spring of my spirit.