Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Future Blogging Plan

Working on my rental to sale is just kicking my butt.  I have not had much of that "summer off" that you'd think I'd have as a teacher -- you know, sipping pina coladas   But this is the last hurdle to clear from me living the way I want nearly every day for the forseeable future.  

After that, I think I might be more active on the web, perhaps twitter and reddit. 

After my dad died I went down to blogging once a month as a kind of update.  This school year, I am thinking of doing more of a log of what I am doing, and trying to engaged in answering people's questions and getting in the back and forth of human life. 

I am doing this to see if I can help 100,000 people to manage time better.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Super-Simple Aquaponics

I have as one my goals making an aquaponic system.  I realized a while ago that I was going to cheat at this one anyway -- make a small aquaponic system to figure some stuff out (mostly getting to know what I don't know) and then if that went well enough, either make a bigger system, or even just buy a bigger one.

Well, it doesn't get any simpler than this:

If I wasn't working on my rental house to get it ready to sale I would probably manifest a version of this by the end of tomorrow. (For example, I saw some plastic milk jugs left as trash by a park I visited today. I would make the planters out of them. As it is, I just have a random bucket of water serving as a potential bird bath.

Grocerie Cost, Week 3

$13.  And that is including some items that will last for a few weeks, like green tea bags and a bigger bottle of apple cider vinegar.

I think I am getting the hang of this.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Grocherie Costs, Week 2

Since last week I overspent, I had a goal coming into this week of staying below $16.  Well, I stayed below $11.

I bought butter (the biggest cost item), some more black beans, frozen peas, eggs, and my experiment item for the week: apple cider vinegar.

From last weeks haul I still have my lentils uncooked, half a can of tomato sauce, a head of broccoli, about half the bag of black beans, and half the loaf of bread in the freezer.  The menu for my dinners next week will be "asian" fried rice with peas and brocolli and the other night will be my famous spaghetti.  If called upon to make a third dinner, it will be eggs, with oatmeal made with my homegrown peaches that I have frozen.

Looks I am going to be taking the full poverty plunge for lunches, however, and eating lentils and rice for my lunches.