Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Post a Day, redux

This Post-a-Day stuff is kind of ridiculous and doesn't allow me to focus on what I want to be doing, which is create great long-form pieces that will last in value for a long time.

But I will say this, at least it is forcing me to have the discipline to post.  It is making me think ahead, and focus on my writing.

And, after all, I do think my writing in more important than my language learning.  So even if my language learning does suffer because I am doing write ups -- which it does -- at least I am working on what is important.

Or, rather, at least I am working on being productive first in writing, which will allow the quality to come out.  If something doesn't exist, it cannot be improved on.

Also, there is something be said for having a corpus of writing to draw off of.  I know when I find an interesting blog post of any sort my curiosity makes we want to see more, more, more of that writer's world.  I will be able to give someone that glimpse who wants that, and for others who are looking for something specific, I hope to have the clarity and transparency to give them that as well, so they can quickly return to their life.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Post a Day??

Over on my language blog, I lamented how hard it has been to put in time on languages.  If those goals have been hard, wow, blogging every day!

Two thoughts: 1.) if I wasn't blogging, I would have probably made 20 hours of language learning 2.) thank you blogger software, for allowing me to do posts on one day and schedule for other days.

Is it cheating?  Sort of, but the goal was silly.  If I make it, even in a hacky way, I am my own hero.

But also, it seems just like cooking on every other Sunday and freezing up what I can.  It may take a little quality away, but makes amazing things possible.

Note: this post was written on a Sunday and published on Tuesday.  I was doing debate practice on that Tuesday.  It helped make some kids better speakers, thinkers, and leaders.