Friday, August 8, 2014

Alternate-Day Calorie Restriction Works for Me.

So much about a diet depends on if it is sustainable.

Having a "cheat day" is one of the best features of the Slow Carb Diet.  I remember one occasion dieting and thinking with intense sadness "I'll never be able to that kind of food again."  That diet wasn't long in holding up.

I have to have a diet where I can say to myself "this is temporary, you can eat that snicker's ice cream bar on Sunday."  With an alternate-day calorie restriction diet, in theory I could eat it the next day.

Instead, I just focus on a Sunday free-day.  This is the only day I want to eat "junk."  Other than that, I try to for that mythical and ever-elusive "eating reasonably" on non-restricted days that aren't Sunday cheat-day.

Below is my feeding schedule here in August.  I'm trying to build muscle while either maintaining or losing weight.  So this month is an experiment to see if there is a way I can truly have it all.  In September I'll move my focus totally on fat loss.  It will be time for a break in lifting anyway.

Sunday -- "Break the fast" around 11:00 Weight training at 11:30.  Then eat whatever I want, shooting for at least 3,000 calories and 175 grams of protein

Monday -- Another 3,000 calories with 175 grams of protein

Tuesday -- 600 calorie day.  About 200-300 calories at lunch, 200-300 calories at dinner

Wednesday -- eat "reasonably"

Thursday -- 600 calorie day.  About 200-300 calories at lunch, 200-300 calories at dinner

Friday -- eat "reasonably"

Saturday -- 600 calorie day.  About 200-300 calories at lunch, 200-300 calories at dinner.