Sunday, August 31, 2014

100 Push Ups in a Day

On my bucket list I wrote that I wanted to do 100 push ups in a day.

What I meant when I wrote that was to have something like a single workout where I did 100 push ups, maybe something like 5 sets of 20.

Nonetheless, a goal is a goal, so I decided to try to get 100 push ups here in the last day of August.  After all, I am going to take 1 week off weight training after today, and then 3 weeks of just doing some strength training/maintenance, rather than working toward hypertrophy (muscle growth).

100 push ups in a day is probably not that impressive, but it was actually a challenge for me; in fact, a few weeks ago I failed in an attempt.  I made three adjustments to make this attempt work: 1.) I waited an hour between sets, instead of the 30 minutes I tried last time 2.) I made a conscious effort to stretch more 3.) many of my sessions included a warm up set.

Here's the the workouts I did to get to 100 push ups today.

workout 1:   4 push ups.  Then 12.
workout 2:  14 push ups.  Then 8.
workout 3: 12 push ups.
workout 4: 12  push ups.
workout 5: 12  push ups.
workout 6: 4 push ups.  Then 10.
workout 7: 10  push ups.
workout 8: 2 push ups.

Could I have done more on workout 8?  Almost certainly.  But I am going to spend a month resting so my body doesn't suffer from over-training.

It just feels good to get something else crossed off the bucket list.