Thursday, August 7, 2014

Rough Time-Line for Goals

With 9 years to  to accomplish my bucket list, this a sketch out how I could do it . . .

Next 3-years  Live by the motto "do not spend money."  Not spending money will get the house paid off in 3 years. Instead of spending money, I will focus on improving my health, and information work, like programming, and making content about gardening and time management.

4 years out use money for the learning projects that require materials.  This includes wood-working, tool sharpening, etc.  This is where I can figure out how to do my own work on houses (for my investment projects) and figure out how to work 8 hours to get an income that would support an Early Retirement Extreme Level budget.  If freedom seems nice at that point, great.  Otherwise, I'll use the money from working to achieve my goals of passive income, making it two times my needs.

Keep working on other goals.

6 years out  pick up another investment property, or equivalent passive investment.

8 years out pick up another investment property, or equivalent passive investment.