Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Procrastination Chronicles #2: E-mail.

On the path to greatness, there will be 100 overcomings.

I will chronicle my attempts to overcome procrastination.  My technique is to start small, really small.


I recently answered an e-mail that I let sit unanswered for over a month.  I file efficiently organize my e-mails, and so I had this e-mail front and centered and starred every time I opened my e-mail.  It seemed important enough to leave is that spot each time I finished working with my e-mail, too.

In my head, I kept thinking of the apology for how long it took to reply.  My excuse was that it was the summer, but that is no real excuse.

How did I answer the e-mail finally?  Simple.  I made the first sentence one item on a to-do list.  Then I made working on the whole thing for 25 minutes another item.  And, of course, it didn't take anywhere near 25 minutes.

It also helps to have other things to work on, though. There is a time for laser focus and basically strapping yourself down to finish something, but this didn't feel like it.  I would write a bit and then do some push-ups, or work on some dishes.  This let me clear my head, deal with nervousness, and have my sub-conscious mind churn out each next little bit.

And the e-mail got done, leaving me wondering why that was so difficult.