Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Case-Study: Why I'm Using Blogger

In many ways I am not a big google fan, but here I am using google's blogger software.

Also, my vision of a website is bit different from these template blogger pages.  And the kicker is that I could code the kind of blog/website, and customize it to do everything I want. 

But what do I want?  In a word: minimalism.  That is just about the totality of my design philosophy/sensibilities.  I like minimalism because clutter quickly overwhelms me.  I also like minimalism because I am lazy (too lazy to fail, perhaps?)  Once you have a good minimalist system in place, you only have to do the minimal amount of input in the future to keep it going.  

But, what's the sense in putting in all sorts of hours coding and debugging when I don't really have an audience?  That would be unnecessary work, and mental clutter.  And, because it was ultimately pointless until there are real people at the other end, it was a project meant just built to procrastinate.   

Posting here is quick, and easy, so if I make it a task, it actually gets done.  Something that exists is infinitely better than something that doesn't.  I want to one day make "crib sheets for life."  But even if I one day have this site, there will be people wanting to "read on" either to reinforce messages, for inspiration, or boredom.  Having a huge archive here will allow for that.

So first I'll try to get an audience.  Then, after if I have one, I can worry about porting either the audience or the content some where else.  Only then should I worry about making the clearest, most minimal experience for readers.