Monday, October 6, 2014

Procrastination Chronicles #4: Mowing the Lawn

On the path to greatness, there will be 100 overcomings.

I will chronicle my attempts to overcome procrastination.  My technique is to start small, really small.


One way to beat procrastination is to make it like a song, or a page-turning novel.  If you play a song, you don't want to just cut it off at any point.  You want to hear that last note, and if the musician holds that note, you don't skip the track when the last note starts; you wait it out.  Like-wise, a great novelist will often leave you with every chapter with some kind of cliff-hanger.

A partially started task can be the same way.  I wanted to start mowing, but all I put on my to-do list was "mow one strip on the side of the house."  So, I mowed that strip and then made myself go back into the house, and cross that item off the list.  Before I did that, I already "cheated" and mowed an extra strip.

The result?  I wasn't going to leave one (or, rather two) strips mowed.  I needed to finish that pattern out.  It went from a task I was putting off to one I felt compelled to finish.