Monday, January 19, 2015

Cheap over Free Hobby

I have now taken to doing my long-form writing in my sloppy cursive, in paper notebooks.

To me, this is a case of frugality trumping cheapness (in other words, a frugal person will for value, but nothing else, a cheap person tries to never pay).. Backgammon, for example, is free, once the cost of the computer is taken into account (okay, electricity as well).  Notebooks, on the other hand, cost money.

But there is value in a notebook -- in the same way that there is value in a paper book.  They are environments that allow for the words and ideas to be the only focus of the experience.  E-readers and writing on computers allow for too many distractions. Paper has a value not in what is on it, but also in what it keeps out.

So far, it has taken a few weeks to go through a notebook, but I could see in the summer going through one a week, or more.  This hobby would then end up costing $0.30 - $1.00 a week.  I think that is well worth-it to be able to get a handle on my own thoughts, and perhaps make things that could change other's lives.