Monday, May 9, 2016

Woodworking. My First Step: Knowledge.

I am going to try to chronicle my process of learning how to make stuff with wood.

The first step to woodworking is some knowledge.  To the Google!

I just looked up what tools I need to get started.

First, Youtube.

Yes, Youtube.  It is a friend of mine.  Seeing faces makes me feel less alone, in the same way that people watch insipid shows like the Today Show.

But, reading is on balance more efficient for general goal nerdery.  They are easier to scan through, and much easier to make notes off.

Here is one article.  Here is another.  

The hierarchy of learning often goes like this:

  • real experience 
  • reading
  • videos

But, and a huge but, motivation and inspiration are elastic.  Watching a lot of videos is infinitely better than doing no reading.  And that is what people often do with reading they should do.  So, yeah, Youtube can be a fantastic resource.

A  concern at this information gathering step is to avoid getting stuck in a paralysis of analysis, but that is what to-do lists and reverse Sabbaths are for.