Friday, January 2, 2015

Qigong Warm Up

As I grow to know whole routines, I hope Tai Chi can be grow to be more and more of a moving meditation.  Like most meditations in action, working toward precision has the important role of blocking out the outside world by giving something specific to focus on.  I don't have the skill for that at this point.

As of now, Tai Chi to me is all about having moves that feel good.  And that brings us to Qigong.  Apparently, Tai Chi is a branch of Taoist Qigong, making Qigong not only a larger universe in terms of Taoism, but also opening up other schools of Qigong, such as Buddhist and Confucian.

If all of that is too complicated,  just find some moves that feel good.  Here are some I like to do in the morning: