Thursday, January 1, 2015

Tai Chi Notes #3 -- Some footwork fundamentals

Last night my wife went out to a movie with her friends.  This left me the house free -- and I finished the cleaning project, getting the dishes back up, the sink cleaned out and a few other pieces of space work.

I then read a bit, because I had tuckered myself out.  Then I worked through the footwork of the tai chi video I had bought (again, who can believe I bought something?)

On the first run through, my mind does not readily register a "twine step," or at least how it is not a "hook step."  I don't say this to say I am stupid, or that I will never understand this basic piece of footwork.  I'm just being honest about what happened on the first attempt.

I am fascinated by the process of taking something conscious, doing that conscious feedback and then working on it several times until it moves to the unconscious "muscle memory."

Twine step will in several practices be just another one of those pieces.