Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Joy of Missing Dutch Words

I'm really starting to like Dutch again.  When I came back from Nationals, I had over 2,000 words stuck to review on Memrise.  

Recently, I have been trying to whittle it away a bit each day, trying to move down a digit each day.  For example, today I am going to be below 599, and tomorrow's game is to move below 499.  I have an eventual goal of getting everything cleared up before we leave for a vacation -- fully knowing I will have a lot to look through when I come back. 

But that's just the thing -- I have a win/win.  If I remember a word after a break -- score (quite literally, because Memrise plays like a game.)  If I don't remember, then it is an opportunity to make up some silly linkword association. And those are really fun.  And since all of the words are already ones I had to do repetitions on to get through, this creates a euphoric "aha" feeling of something clicking into place.  What can I say? Learning languages is fun.

So instead of feeling bad about what I forgot -- or, what I forgot because of neglect -- this is a joy, made moreso by the faith that I will learn all of the words.