Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mental Gymnastics

My second post in Dvorick.

This one is a bit of a goofy journey.  It started with me watching a few basketball documentaries, you know, to celebrate the start of the summer.  One of them was about when the Knicks were actually good.  It focused briefly on Jerry Lucas, one of the great eccentrics to play the game.

He was odd because he played a lot of memory games, including memorization, counting, and rearranging words by alphabetic order of letters -- the example he gives is "cat" rearranges to "act."

This made me want to get back into memorizing.  I had learned the major memory system on memrise.com and used it to learn a large framework of historical dates.  So I went back to looking for dates to learn.  And as a by-product I started back with French, so that has been fun.

Anyway, I was at a social gathering today. and so I thought I would exercise some of this active mind stuff.  First I tried counting, but it was too dark and it was a bit boring.  I decided to rearrange  the letters in words, but I ran into the problem that I only know the alphabet through the "abc" song.  My solution was to go through the alphabet and use a peg list to associate a number to each letter.  The first five I knew, and of course "z" is 26.  I set out to learn the number for the other 20 letters.

Big progress was made today.  I should more or less have it down with review tomorrow.