Sunday, May 17, 2015

Progress in a Time of Decline

This is an idea I'll probably need to expand on some other time, but I wanted to get it down. I believe that civilization is on the decline. I believe we are in a time of pretense where that truth is going to be pushed more and more out of the collective conversation. Americans are going to have to give up their absurd waste habit -- and they will go down kicking and screaming the entire way.  So be it.

I want to point out that a person can make progress in their health, spirituality and social life even in a time of political and economic decline.  In fact, on all three it is almost certainly easier.  Happiness and virtue remain paths that can be walked even as the mass production of stuff weakens. 

Also, realizing the truth of this decline -- reminded forcefully by reading the article linked to above (please read the 2nd to last paragraph) -- makes me want to spend a lot less time playing Diplomacy and more time working on my garden, and learning to cook with a rocket stove.