Monday, April 13, 2015

Slow Carb-ing Again. Day 1.

185.6 pounds

This time my slow carb experience is going to have several tweaks:

First, on my Sunday "free days" I will still not allow myself any simple sugars.  I have found that on weeks where my "free days" don't get to 4,000 calories, I lose weight quicker, which makes a lot of sense.  Without sugars my free days shouldn't spin out of control.

Secondly, my lunch is going to go back to "the set point" diet of two spoons of extra-light olive oil and then coffee.  (The coffee around the time of the oil might not be technically allowed, but I found that it was fine the last time I was doing the set-point diet).

Thirdly, I have a better at-home quantity of vegetables and foragable weeds than ever.  Today, I came home and made a huge salad of arugula leaves and flowers.  I made a delightful balsamic vinaigrette for it, with enough left over that I went casting about for more greens: making a second bowl-sized salad with clover and a bit more arugula.  Tomorrow, I can make a salad with lettuce and radish, or wilt chard greens, or soak enough mint to get enough leaves for a large salad.  This will be a lovely experiment in getting enough fiber.