Saturday, November 1, 2014

Balancing Health with a Busy Month

So far, I have organized my diet and workout changes by month.

In July, I used the slow carb diet.  I began lifting weights on my cheat day to build muscle mass in the hope of increasing my metabolism.  I lost 10 pounds this way.

In August, I experimented with Alternate Day Calorie Restriction for about two weeks.  I coupled this with a Sunday free-day where I lifted weights and spiked up my calories. Two weeks in, I then decided I didn't like that, so I switched to just eating 1,200 calories a 6 days a week, but continued to have a free-day where I lifted weights.

In September I took a month off my weight lifting program, which is Escalating Density Training, and instead worked on strength training, using Greasing the Groove.  The first weekend, I messed up my diet, but other than that I stuck to 1,200 calories a day 6-days a week, with Sunday being a little bit looser.

In October, I was back to some lifting, but I didn't see much in terms of gains.  I have two theories on this: 1.) I might have already cashed in my "beginner gains" or 2.) I would have to increase the calories I eat a whole lot more, or overfeed on more days, to support further hypertrophy.  Since I'm still trying to lose fat, either of these theories are enough for me to ease off the throttle on my Sunday workouts and not over-feed on Monday.

This November is going to a crazy month for me.  I have 3 debate tournaments that go back-to-back-to-back.  A debate tournament is a 72 hour work-week for me:  I am running practices for my kids every day, and then the tournaments themselves are a fantastic 20 hour test of mental endurance.

This is a potentially stressful time and it might call for yummy junk food to get me through these times.

We'll see how much the damage ends up being.