Friday, December 12, 2014

A Game of Harmony (another free hobby)

I have been writing harmonies, and how games can be a step to achieving them.

When I think about harmonies, I almost invariably pictures moves from the game of Go.  I probably should picture something about the give-and-take conversation with myself and nature in a garden, but that is no one moment, but a relationship, and I sense it and should write more about it one day.  Go, on the other hand, gives me a picture of harmony.  In the moves I see some truths: you cannot eradicate your opponent, only out-influence.  To attack in an impossible position can only cause damage to yourself.  Unbalanced aggression can easily be used against you.

I see all this in the game, and I'm not even any good at it.  And perhaps getting good would turn too many aspects of the game into something mechanical.  Go is a great game for the meditative practice of harmony.  I plan to have no plans with it, and instead only play as much as I enjoy.

You can play it for free thanks to GNU; I have been playing against Fuego.