Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tai Chi Notes #2 -- horse parting mane

I cracked and -- gasp -- spend money on something.  We went to Barnes and Noble and I had money in pocket from Christmas.

It's a DVD/book set called Anatomy of Fitness: Tai Chi.   The set has two closer to complete routines to do, but before moving on to the first of those, the books explains some of the footwork to master.

I have no problem with working on the fundamentals, but I want something to play with as well.  So I present horse parting mane, with a you tube video that gives some good tips as to what to focus on:

My morning wake up (starting today) is: work on starting position in tai chi, do some warm up stretches from there, then some work wild horse parting the mane, and then my squats and push ups for my greasing the groove.

When I return back to the school year, I will have the benefit of full length mirrors (my room used to be an acting room).  I will be able to work on move after move, experimenting with variations and getting pretty good feedback on whether I look like the exemplars.